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List your collection

Get an informative page of your collection on NFTSniper. The page includes basic info about the collection, rarity table (statistical or rarity score) market place data, individual NFT items, their attributes and their raritiets.

We approve (or decline) your collection within 24 hours after submission.

Price: Free Submit Collection

Advertisement Options

Promoted Spot

Promoted Spot

Receive a coloured border and a spot in the promoted section: the first section people will see when visiting NFTSniper.

$75 / day

Banner Ad

Banner Ad

A banner shown on the homepage of NFTSniper. Banner details desktop: 730x90px. Mobile: 320x120px. Max 800kb.

$50 / day


You’ll receive a discount depending on the amount of days you book ads for.

30% Off 40% Off Book your ads

Collection Owner Tools

Rarity Checking Bot
(SOL projects only)

Rarity bot

After your mint, we can set up our Rarity Bot in a channel in your Discord. Users are able to look up the rarities of NFTs with a single command.

1 SOL / free if you purchase
any form of ads

Request bot
Rarity preview checker

Rarity Preview Checker

You can use our Collection Preview Tool to see exactly how the NFTs in your collection will be sorted based on the rarity you provided (statistical or rarity score).

1 SOL / free if you purchase
any form of ads

Preview collection